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Inclusive Health

St. Maarten Special Olympics Swimmers Learn the Importance of Fit Feet

Swimmers don’t always think about their feet, except when they are concentrating on kicking and propelling themselves through the pool or an open water swim.
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Special Olympics and Lions Clubs International Foundation → Mission: Inclusion

2 July 2023 - Hyannis Port, Massachusetts: As part of a shared commitment to inclusion and community service across the world, Special Olympics and Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) signed a historic five-year partnership agreement that will provide sustained services, support and empowerment to the global population of individuals with intellectual disabilities.
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Henry Schein Donates Health Care Products to Support Special Olympics Healthy Athletes® Screenings

With this donation, the Company promotes wellness and health education for athletes with intellectual disabilities around the world.
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Special Olympics Athletes Lead the Way Toward Inclusive Fitness

The following is an expert from the CDC’s website post titled CDC and Special Olympics: Inclusive Health. For more information or to read the entire post, please visit the page here.
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Special Olympics Malta Athlete Gilmour Borg Shines as a Leader

“Nothing is more important to me than representing Special Olympics”
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Hays on the Hill: My 2023 Capitol Hill Day Experience

This year's Capitol Hill Day wasn't my first (I've been to eight others!), but it was our first in-person Hill Day in several years and I was so excited to be back! It was amazing to see so many of my favorite people in person and to meet so many new people.
4 Min Read

Special Olympics Delegates Champion for Inclusion and Need for Critical Funding on Capitol Hill

Special Olympics athletes, organization leaders, Unified Sports® partners, and family members from across the United States and the District of Columbia will converge on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. on February 13th – 15th for Special Olympics’ annual “Capitol Hill Day.”
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Navigating Your Child’s Intellectual Disability Diagnosis

“It’s important to recognize that they may not accomplish growth or success in the same manner as many do, but our differently abled children will still accomplish remarkable milestones and pursue life goals!”
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Special Olympics Supports Recommendations of WHO Report on Health Equity for Persons with Disabilities

Recent WHO report shows that while some progress has been made in recent years, the world is still far from realizing the health rights for many persons with intellectual disabilities. Read more about the Special Olympics contributions to the recommendations of the report.
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