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Janka Weber

Janka Weber

Special Olympics Germany

Janka started as a peer counselor at Special Olympics Germany in 2016. In 2020, she was trained to be a Health Messenger. She conducts health training and offers talks in physical activity programs.

Janka serves as a health ambassador at the games. In 2022, she volunteered at Special Olympics National Games in Germany. She plans to volunteer again at Special Olympics World Games Berlin in 2023. Her favorite sport is rowing. She is very passionate about fitness and exercise.

Janka works in a workshop for people with disabilities. She also works for Special Olympics Germany twice a week. She thinks everyone should be appreciated, and respected irrespective of weaknesses and strengths. She believes that inclusion plays a big role in everyone's daily life. No person has to be afraid of being judged.

Janka is eager to continue as a Health Messenger and she is looking forward to her upcoming activities.

Health Messengers 2023

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